Fit4Mom Blog

Mom of the Month -Mady Holland

Introduce your family (spouse, name and age of your kiddo(s))

I am married to my best friend, Jacob, who is my biggest supporter. He works from home as a an account manager in IT security. We have two children, Riley(7) and Jackson(1), who we love more than anything!

How long have you been part of FIT4MOM and how did you find us?

This April I have been part of FIT4MOM for one year!

What keeps you coming back to FIT4MOM?

There are so many things I love about FIT4MOM for myself and also for my children. I love that I regularly have other adults to talk to that understand the joys and struggles of our current stage in life. I love that I am able to workout in the mornings and I feel more ready to face the rest of my day. I love the friends my children have made and the experiences they get to have with kids of all ages. One of the things I love the most is the example I'm setting for my children, that our bodies and mental health matter and we need to take the time to care for them!

Favorite mom moment

My favorite mom moment is watching my first baby grow up and become an amazing big sister to her little brother. Their bond is something I always dreamed we would have in our family. She is so patient, kind and loving and he looks up to her in every way.

Share a hidden talent, business you own

I absolutely love houseplants and have a rather large collection I care for! For awhile I had an Etsy shop that sold tropical houseplants! It's something that I have really enjoyed researching and learning about.

Advice for a new mom?

Trust your instincts. You are your child's parent for a reason and you know what's best for them! One thing that helps me in tougher moments is to stay curious about why my child is acting a certain way and not only focusing on the behavior that's showing. I can then be more compassionate in my response and try to meet their deeper needs.

Curious how we are selecting MOM OF THE MONTH? Things we are looking at: class attendance, village participation, general kindness, encouraging to others and all the sweet things in between.